Cohen, my forever baby, my firstborn, there is no possible way you can be nine already. I still look at you as my little 4 year old buddy. We did everything together, just you and me. If I would of had snapchat or instagram stories back then I swear you would of looked like the perfect child. Or maybe I just don't remember the bad. I'm so thankful for the 5 years we had alone because I truly feel that your character was shaped and groomed during that time. So much of how I remember you as a child I still see in you today. Your innocence is a treasure. You shyness so adorable. Your kindness, unmeasurable. I love watching you grow and challenge your self in every new situation. You are such a strong leader and I can't wait to see the places you will go.
This summer was filled with many family activities and trips. You are so interested in geography and travel. You once asked for a trip to Paris or Scotland for Christmas. We took you to New York and I loved watching your wide eyes wander. Maybe you will live there someday. We went to multiple fairs, swam in lakes and pools, and learned that you can now go up the huge hill by our house on your bike with ease. I watched you suck up your fear as you kneeboarded alone and then wakeboarded for the first time. I saw you casually make new friends at the neighboorhood putt putt party and then responsibly tell us you'd be home by 10. That night was a huge first. Mom and dad put the little ones to bed and then sat up in the living room deciding if we should go find you, or trust that you would make it home before dark. Wow what a glimpse into the future!
There are so many times that you seem way too grown up, but then there are those times where you still seem little. You just can't help but pick on your brother. The scream that you get to come out of him steps on every single one of my nerves. You still want to sleep with a night light and act scared of silly things like bugs and fish. You haven't reached the age where you don't want kisses from mom. I mean of course not in public, but at home you desire the same amount of smooches that your little brother and sister get. One of your most favorite things to do is cuddle up with me or dad and watch a movie. You sit and watch sports with dad and I am shocked at how much you know. This summer you played lacrosse for the first time and 3rd grade baseball, which was a grade up. You did amazing at both, and was even one of the main pitchers on your team. Winning the lacrosse championship and the baseball all-star game was the icing on the cake.
Now you're starting 3rd grade. I took you to meet your teacher a few days ago and I watched you interact with her and your classmates. You are really such a cool kid. Liked by adults and kids both. You are so selfless but yet competitive, the perfect combination in my opinion. Cohen I just couldn't be more proud of you. You work so hard on your school work, and excel in all that you do. Dad and I are amazed at how independently you work on your homework. We hope that you always enjoy learning.
Football season is upon us and once again we get to watch you dominate. You are the man out there. I feel so proud, but also nervous at times. Everyone knows you are so tough, so they double and sometimes triple team you. I am just constantly saying prayers for your safety.
Keeping up with the birthday tradition we took you to the last Pacer's home game of the season, where it's fan appreciation night and the team cleans out their lockers and signs autographs. This year both you and Kempton got players signed shoes and other goodies too. Later that week we had a friends party that was of course Pacers themed. Also keeping up with traditions you got sick during your birthday sleepover. It has happened that last two years in a row. You never get sick, and then boom the stomach flu on the day of your party. This time the vomiting happened in the night so poor Joe had to stay and be exposed. Hopefully this tradition does not continue.
We love you Cobug, the brown bear, Cooey, Squish, Suki, Co! You bring so much joy and adventure to our lives. I can't even begin to imagine what my life was like before you, or what it would be like without you. I am so thankful that I am your mommy!