It all started when...I was wowed by a long lasting lipstick, and it quickly turned into so much more than i ever imagined. my mission is to inspire women all over the world to Find their passion and provide an abundant life for their family.
Like so many other families I know, our family had several trips planned that were canceled due to COVID. Each month we would try and wrap our minds around a new schedule and a pushed back trip timeframe and then right about the time we would get used to the new schedule, it would get canceled again. We finally decided to scrap our original plans all together and come up with a special time for our family that we could 100 percent plan on.
I can’t believe this spot is in our own back yard. Its a must for your family this summer/fall.
If we’re going to be cooped up at home, we are going to make our home pretty. Here are some of the at home crafts we are doing during our quarantine.
Oh table scape, oh table scape, how lovely are your place settings. haha I had to throw in that little nod to the holidays because with only 2 weeks left till Christmas I am completely in the holiday mood. But in all seriousness have you ever seen a table more beautiful?!
Ever since my early 20s I’ve been in the business of taking good care of my skin. I’ve used high end serums, creams, and cleansers, worn hats to the beach, and have gotten regular facials. We only get one set of skin and I wanted to preserve mine as well as possible. All in all I have a great complexion, and my esthetician has told me I have thick skin, ha! So this means any damage I’ve caused in earlier years a: takes longer to come to the surface, and b: can be treated more aggressively. Even with all the work I’ve put in, I have still found myself aging, go figure!!!
This is probably the most important segment to read of our whole trip if you are planning on visiting this area of Bali. We pondered back and forth on visiting the Gili islands, or Nusa Penida, but ultimately decided we didn’t have time for the Gili islands. The are a little farther away, and an overnight would be required. So let’s dive right into this crazy place called NUSA PENIDA!!
I decided this hotel deserves a post all of it’s own!! Why? Because choosing a place to stay half way around the world is hard, and we struck gold with this one. There are so many adorable places to stay in Bali, and also very ritzy places that you can stay for a bargain. There are bamboo huts, and tree houses, just so many choices! I knew for at least one of our. stays I would want something that felt like true Bali, with the amenities of being at a resort. Lacabane is just that, and more!!!
First off let me help you out, it’s pronounced CHANG-Goo. Yeah I was stumped on that one too and looked like a fool trying to talk to my friends who had been there before about the towns I wanted to visit, so I’m helping you out!! And let me just tell you, YOU WANT TO VISIT HERE!!!! Actually I could of spent 2 weeks in this area and just barely scratched the surface. This is the Bali hot spot. This is where all the hipsters hang! Cute coffee shops, specialty açaí bowls, creatively decorated ice cream cones, and countless insta worthy spots. Most of the pictures you see online happen in this area!!!
Venture just 45 minutes west of Nusa Dua (45 minutes south of Denspar) and you will be in Uluwatu. Sooo many heart eyes for this area. Again, super private beaches for a quite and relaxing time. But this area also has some of the best surfing and secret beaches.
The bottom little section of Bali I would describe as the relaxing beachy area. The east side is called Nusa Dua, and this is where most of the more common hotel chains are. As tired, jet lagged, already culture shocked Americans, this was the perfect place to start.
I started dabbling in the instagram world back in 2012. Back when I thought it was just a way to edit photos. A lot of you have heard the story, so I won’t re tell it, but it started as a way to be creative in my wardrobe. Over the course of the last 7 years I have been all over the place, from fashion to beauty, to lifestyle, travel and home. And to my surprise a lot of you stuck with me on my journey to figure out my space in the digital world. No, this is not a post to say I’ve finally figured it out (will we ever really know??) But it is to say that after all this time I finally landed my dream gig!!! Styling others!!!
Holidays come around so quick. I mean honestly it’s like there is something every other month. I just can never seem to get on top of things. Thank goodness for local boutiques and amazon prime! I’ve compiled a list of the goodies I snagged for this upcoming long weekend.
Bon Bini from the Dutch-Caribbean island of Curaçao. We’ve been planning this trip with our family since before 2020, and finally had the opportunity to go. I had a feeling it would be love at first sight. Hearing that the island was clear blue Caribbean waters mixed with European charm, how could you not!! And boy was I right, the mix of elegance, culture, and local adventure made us never want to leave.